Articles with "Rayman Legends" tag

Rayman Legends around the world!

Since mid-october Rayman Legends is out in Japan, published by Nintendo itself, with a new cover. We worked directly with Nintendo for this version, and it was very interesting to see how perfectionist they are.

Mario & Luigi costumes in Rayman Legends

Announced today, Mario & Luigi costumes will be available in the WiiU version of the game. As a Nintendo fan I'm very proud of that. Next time, we'll maybe have the real Mario & Luigi as guests ;)

Rayman Legends Challenge App is out now on WiiU!

A quick news about Rayman Legends. The Challenge App is now available for free on the WiiU eShop. It offers three levels from the Story Mode, and the Online Challenge mode with at least one new challenge every day.

Rayman Legends Gamescom Edition

Hello everyone, Rayman Legends has been shown at the Gamescom event (Cologne, Germany) this week.