Articles with "iOS" tag

How I ended up making a PHP framework

I used to talk very rarely about my works. But I'm making games and some other things that not a lot of people do, so maybe I have some interesting things to share, maybe ;)
You read it in my title, I made a php framework. But at the beginning I wanted to make an iOS game! So what happens? A lot of things.

Rayman Jungle Run on iOS & Android

Rayman is coming on iOS and Android. It's based on Rayman Origins and has been developed by Pastagames with a big help of Ubisoft Montpellier, especially for the game & level design: a big part of the levels has been done by the Rayman Origins's level design team, and i've made several maps too.

Game Dev Story: How to make a cool game dev studio

I don't play a lot on iphone. I had to admit that i don't like the touch controls, especially for classic games. But for games built with that limitation in mind it's ok and sometimes fun.